Video: Georgia Rep. Allen Peake Introduction to HB-722 Medical Cannabis

On Monday January 25, 2016 in a packed committee room the Georgia House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee heard testimony on House Bill 722 a bill to expand Georgia’s medical cannabis oil law (HB-1) passed in 2015. HB-722 would legalize the cultivation of cannabis for medicine in the state of Georgia. It also expands the list of medical condition allowed for its use and removes the limitation on the percent of THC allowed in the oil.

In this video Rep. Allen Peake introduces HB-722 and is questioned by the committee.

Georgia C.A.R.E. Project supports HB-722 but acknowledges this is a vary restrictive bill not the BEST bill for Georgia.

“We recognize that this bill is considered one of the most restrictive bills when it come to cultivation and access”, said James Bell director of Georgia C.A.R.E. Project. “It is by far a better bill than was passed in 2015. We will continue to advocate for the best legislation not the most restrictive.”

HB-1, passed in 2015 did not allow for in-state cultivation and forced patients and caregivers to illegal import cannabis oil products into Georgia.