2017 5th Annual Cannabis Awareness and Lobby Day

Our Goal:

Cannabis Awareness Day is designed to bring citizens from across Georgia to the State Capitol to show support for cannabis law reform. In the process, we teach citizens how to advocate for or against a bill, how to meet their legislators (State Representatives & Senators), where to find their offices, and meet fellow activists who support the cause.


Itinerary for Monday 27th:

The event is from 9:00am to 3:00pm and a hearing on Senate Bill 105 will take place at 4:00pm.

Feel free to attend any time during the day you are available. It is recommended that you set aside at least two hours for this event if you are going to attend, so that you have time to speak with people.

Some of us will be attending the Wild Hog Supper at 5:30 at the Depot. Take into consideration the hearing at 4:00 could run past an hour. The meeting room and Depot is only a block apart.


  • 9:00am:

We will meet in Room 328 in the Coverdell Legislative Office Building (CLOB) at 9am -10am for orientation. CLOB is across the street from the capitol on the south side. You will need a photo ID to enter these buildings. For those who have no experience at the Capitol, we will show you around and help you locate your legislator.

You can also do your homework and find the name and photo of your legislators. See Below.



  • 1:00 Lunch:


We will gather at the Sloppy Floyd Cafeteria for lunch – lower floor. Pay your way. It has a good selection of sandwiches, salad bar, and other selections ranging from $5 to $10. A snack bar is available on  the 1st floor of the capitol. We recommend you BRING BOTTLED WATER.


Tips for Talking with Legislators:

  1. Do not be negative, argumentative, or behave angrily toward the legislator. This behavior will only give them a reason to ignore your request.
  2. Don’t identify yourself as being with a group or Georgia CARE Project. It may predispose the legislator to bias in regard to your statements. Identify yourself as a citizen activist. Because you are not being paid, this is completely factual.
  3. You will only have a few minutes to speak. Try to be concise. Incorporate the story of someone affected personally by the laws if you can, as this speaks louder than facts sometimes.
  4. Make a clear statement about how you want them to vote before you say goodbye. Don’t forget!
  5. Report back to us about any conversations with legislators so we can learn and share as needed.


Legislation we support:

  • House Resolution 36: Public Vote on in-state cultivation (2018)
  • House Bill 65: Medical Cannabis Expansion Bill
  • House Bill 465: Industrial Hemp Experimental Crop Research and Commission
  • Senate Bill 105: Marijuana Decriminalization (Harm Reduction)

Legislation we oppose:

  • Senate Bill 16: Reduces THC limits in Low THC Oil to 3% from 5%


Talking Points:

There are several bills we are supporting. We only want to express our support for the bill and offer a short explanation why. If they have time to engage you in conversation you can further explain why. If they oppose the bill, be polite and encourage their support for the bill. Move on.


Office to Office:

We plan on delivering an information packet to as many offices as possible. Especially to those sitting on committees that will hear our bills.


Parking (See Map):

  • Parking is available in the area. It is recommended that you use the parking decks or the lot closest to the CLOB .

The Underground Atlanta Parking deck is just west of the capitol  75 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., SW Atlanta, GA 30303 . This deck is suggested if you are attending the Wild Hog Supper that evening at the Rail Road Depot – 5:30. FEE -by the hour. Pay on exit.

Pete Hackney Parking Deck 62 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE Atlanta, GA 30303. Cheapest $5 flat rate pay on entry. Follow the signs at the elevator to use the walking bridge to the Sloppy Floyd Twin Towers Building on the north side of capitol.

Liberty Plaza Parking Lot – Capitol Ave. located on the southeast side of the capitol. This may be the most convenient parking at $10 (pay station) if space is available. Look for the Flags and Liberty Bell. A flagman is usually there flagging in customers. It is just steps away from the capitol.

Marijuana Decrim Rally at Athens City Hall

The rally hosted by Georgia C.A.R.E. Project and the Athens C.A.R.E. affiliate drew 25 protesters to send a message that Athens-Clarke County can decriminalize less than one ounce of cannabis by using citations rather than arresting “offenders”. Georgia C.A.R.E. Project director James Bell spoke later that night before the mayor and commission meeting.

Athens Human Rights Festival – Marijuana is a Human Right

Georgia C.A.R.E. Project director James Bell will be speaking this Saturday at the 37th Annual Athens Human Rights Festival in downtown Athens GA.

Originally created to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the Kent State murders, the Human Rights Festival is a two-day event dedicated to promoting free speech and confronting issues that challenge human rights. Throughout the festival, activists and members of various community, national and global organizations take to the main stage to discuss important social and political topics. In between speakers, live music performances entertain the festival crowd. As always, information booths line the streets, and children’s activities and youth performances are available for our younger attendees.

The free festival is from 10 a.m.–12 a.m. on Saturday, May 2nd and 2–9 p.m. on Sunday, May 3rd.

James Bell will be speaking on Saturday May 2nd at 4:30 pm. We hope you can attend!