Marijuana Law Reform Activist Guide
10 things you can do right now to legalize marijuana
People ask, “What can I do to help legalize marijuana in Georgia”.
Here are some suggestions on how to get more involved.
- Donate: Like any movement Georgia CARE Project needs funding. We have day to day expenses as well as public outreach projects that must be funded. Printing literature – travel expenses – merchandising – office expenses – etc. Consider making a monthly pledge of at least $10. That will get over 100 brochures into the public’s hands. $40 a month will cover internet and web cost. If you would like to fund a specific project, contact us.
- Volunteer: Throughout the year we need volunteers to help with various projects. Events – outreach – sign holding – distributing literature. Many of you have a skill or talent that can help our movement. Video – social networking – graphics – writing – public speaking – artists, are just some of the needs we have.
- Lobbying: One of the most important task for activists is lobbying. Contacting your state elected officials and let them know you want CHANGE! We provide a website to locate your state officials and we can instruct you on whom to contact and when. Report your actions and results back to us.
- Editorial Writing: Marijuana legalization is one of the hottest topics in the nation. Editors are looking for well written essays on the topic. Editorial (Op-Ed) should be short and concise. Get to the point. Keep it between 300 & 500 words. Space is limited. Email your copy to the editor of your local newspaper or another media outlet. We can help you with editing and styling your editorial. Share your essays with Georgia CARE.
- Demonstration: We call it the “2 + 2 + 2 Campaign”. Two people with two signs for two hours. Find a friend and location. Stay on sidewalks and in public areas. If you are not sure about where to demonstration give us a call. We can help advice you and help find fellow activists to help you in your town or neighboring community. Courthouses are a great place to demonstrate. Busy intersections can reach 1000s in just a couple of hours. The mission is to use the event to generate a local news story. Call and invite the local media to come out and do an interview and take photos. Have a short written message to give them so they can report you actions correctly. Call us for advice: 404-271-9061
- Public Speaking: Georgia CARE is available for public speaking events. Civic meeting – college campus – festivals – TV & Radio. Seek out opportunities for us to speak. If you have the ability to do public speaking, find you own events. It’s a great way to reach people who otherwise may never get to hear a reform advocate talk about marijuana legalization. As always dress appropriately and allow for Q&A.
- Fundraising: We need to plan fundraising events. Banquets – concerts – merchandising – info tables. These are all ways to help generate funds. Make it a project to get ten of your friends to give $10 to your favorite organization. We all need funding! $100 can print over 1000 brochures for distribution at events and festivals.
- Social Media: It seems everyone uses Facebook – Twitter – Reddit – blogs and other social media. You can help by sharing our project with others. Blogs like allow you to post your original content with virtually no censoring. Share the content from our website and post links to it. Georgia is at your fingertips.
- Form a local group: While half of Georgia’s population lives in the metro Atlanta area, we have supporters all over the state. Form a group in your area and host a one-time event or regular meetings. Use Facebook to get organized. We will provide speakers. Libraries – colleges -restaurants – clubs and churches offer meeting space.
- Be a leader: The marijuana reform movement of a collective of organizations and individuals. Some are well funded by foundations others are volunteers who fund their projects out of pocket. Some focus on medical access or criminal justice and commercial hemp. Where do you fit in? Find your place in the movement. This may not mean standing in front of media cameras at press conference, but it could mean standing up at a social event or a back yard BBQ or sharing your passion for reform with a friend or stranger. Georgia CARE Project can serve as a focal point of reform but nothing can replace your involvement and support. Be a leader!