Never before in American history has so many marijuana related bills been filed and being considered in Washington, D.C. Here is a list of current bills thanks to the office of congressman, Earl Blumenauer. They have put together a list of all the marijuana bills still circulating in the 114th Congress (H.R. = House Resolutions, S. = Senate): (Thanks to Russ Belville for sharing)
1. R. 262 – States’ Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act – Prevents the Department of Justice from initiating civil asset forfeiture proceedings against property owners of state-sanctioned medical marijuana treatment centers.
2. R. 1774 – Compassionate Access Act – Directs Administration to schedule marijuana at a place other than Schedule I; removes CBD from the definition of marijuana; includes research related provisions.
3. R. 1635 – Charlotte’s Web Medical Hemp Act – Excludes “therapeutic hemp” from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act. Therapeutic hemp is defined as marijuana with less than 0.3% THC.
4. R. 667 – The Veterans Equal Access Act – Requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to authorize physicians and other health care workers employed by the VA to provide recommendations and opinions regarding the participation of a veteran in a state medical marijuana program. This includes authorizing them to fill out any forms involved in the process of recommending medical marijuana.
5. 683 / H.R. 1538 – CARERS Act of 2015 – Compilation of a number of medical marijuana related provisions, including provisions relating to veterans access, state rights, CBD, medical marijuana research. Also includes banking provision for both medical and adult use.
6. R. 1014 – Marijuana Tax Revenue Act – Creates a federal excise tax on federally legal marijuana sales.
7. R. 1013 – Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act – Removes marijuana from the CSA Schedule; creates a federal regulatory framework for marijuana.
8. 134 / H.R. 525 – Industrial Hemp Farming Act – Amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana, and for other purposes.
9. R. 3124 – Clean Slate for Marijuana Offenses Act – To permit the expungement of records of certain federal marijuana-related offenses.
10. 987 / H.R. 1855 – Small Business Tax Equity Act – Amends Internal Revenue Code to allow for tax deductions for normal business expenses for marijuana businesses operating in compliance with state law.
11. 1726 / H.R. 2076 – Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act – Creates protections for depository institutions that provide financial services to marijuana-related businesses.