Want to help legalize and educate the public about the impact marijuana laws have on the public? Get organized in your area! Here’s how….
1. Set up a Facebook Page: Set up a F
acebook page for your area and post news and information about our movement. Example: https://www.facebook.com/Savannahforlegalization
2. Host a meeting: You can help by hosting a meeting in your area. We provide guest speakers to enhance your program. Guest speaker are available for civic groups, churches, organizations, collage campuses / students organizations.
3. Host a pro-legalization rally: By hosting a public rally in a park, courthouse steps, or a busy intersection, you can bring attention to the legalization issue. It will also generate media coverage.
These are just a few ways you can help move our issue forward.
Some people can not a public as others. Regardless of your level of involvement there is a place for you in the movement.
Together we can change the laws in the state of Georgia.