Action Alert: Organize in your town or on campus

Want to help legalize and educate the public about the impact marijuana laws have on the public? Get organized in your area! Here’s how….

1. Set up a Facebook Page: Set up a F

acebook page for your area and post news and information about our movement. Example:

2. Host a meeting: You can help by hosting a meeting in your area. We provide guest speakers to enhance your program. Guest speaker are available for civic groups, churches, organizations, collage campuses / students organizations.

3. Host a pro-legalization rally: By hosting a public rally in a park, courthouse steps, or a busy intersection, you can bring attention to the legalization issue. It will also generate media coverage.

These are just a few ways you can help move our issue forward.

Some people can not a public as others. Regardless of your level of involvement there is a place for you in the movement.

Together we can change the laws in the state of Georgia.