Georgia doctor treats Autistic son with cannabis

oday, the second hearing on Georgia House Bill 65 (Medical Cannabis) was held in Atlanta. The Medical Cannabis Working Group chaired by Rep. Allen Peake invited a Georgia doctor to tell her story about how cannabis oil has improved her 17 year old autistic son’s life.

The committee voted to move the bill forward to the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee for further consideration.

HB-65 expands the current law (HB-1) by adding additional medical conditions for which cannabis oil (CBD/THC) can be used and for other purposes.

State Rep. Allen Peake, R-Macon, chairs the working group and wrote House Bill 65, which will be the vehicle for their recommendations.

“I thought today was very productive,” said Peake, after the meeting. The working group is a special committee formed this year to work on the complexities of getting a substance to Georgians that’s prohibited under federal law. The roughly 1,200 Georgians on the state medical cannabis registry for diagnoses like severe seizure disorders can posses a liquid made from medical cannabis, though there is no legal way to obtain it. The working group also recommended that people with medical cannabis cards from other states should be allowed to posses that liquid.

Georgia Medical Cannabis Bill “Haleigh’s Hope Act”

Thanks to a lot of hard work from various advocacy groups and activists Georgia State Representative Allen Peake (R) and others introduced House Bill 885 on Tuesday. The bill amends the old medical research law passed in 1980 – formerly Controlled Substance Therapeutic Research Act – buy expanding the medical conditions for which cannabis can be used.

Georgia CARE Project’s “Guide to Enacting Medical Marijuana in Georgia” was cited by Rep. Peake as being helpful in drafting the legislation and he thanked Georgia CARE director James Bell for his help in educating the lawmakers and public.