Breaking News: Medical Marijuana Bill filed in GA Senate

Senate Resolution 756

By: Senator McKoon of the 29th


Creating the Senate Prescription of Medicinal Marijuana for Serious Medical Conditions Study Committee; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, there have been significant scientific and medical studies, reports, clinical trials, and other analyses regarding the use of marijuana for prescriptive medicinal purposes; and

WHEREAS, technology has significantly advanced and produced certain control methods and scientific guarantees regarding medicinal uses that have not previously existed; and

WHEREAS, there are indicia that such use may be beneficial for the parents and treating physicians of children with serious medical needs; and

WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to undertake a study of the prescriptive use of medicinal marijuana for serious medical conditions to determine whether it would be appropriate to enact legislation making new provisions or changing provisions of current law of this state with regard to such prescriptive use.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that there is created the Senate Prescription of Medicinal Marijuana for Serious Medical Conditions Study Committee to be composed of the chairperson of the Senate Judiciary Committee and four members of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the Senate. The chairperson of the Senate Judiciary Committee shall serve as chairperson of the committee. The chairperson shall call all meetings of the committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall undertake a study of the conditions, needs, issues, and problems mentioned above or related thereto and recommend any action or legislation which the committee deems necessary or appropriate. The committee may conduct such meetings at such places and at such times as it may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise fully and effectively its powers, perform its duties, and accomplish the objectives and purposes of this resolution. The members of the committee shall receive the allowances provided for in Code Section 28-1-8 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. The allowances authorized by this resolution shall not be received by any member of the committee for more than five days unless additional days are authorized by the President of the Senate. The funds necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution shall come from the funds appropriated to the Senate. In the event the committee makes a report of its findings and recommendations, with suggestions for proposed legislation, if any, such report shall be made on or before December 1, 2014. The committee shall stand abolished on December 1, 2014.