Athens Human Rights Festival – Marijuana is a Human Right

Georgia C.A.R.E. Project director James Bell will be speaking this Saturday at the 37th Annual Athens Human Rights Festival in downtown Athens GA.

Originally created to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the Kent State murders, the Human Rights Festival is a two-day event dedicated to promoting free speech and confronting issues that challenge human rights. Throughout the festival, activists and members of various community, national and global organizations take to the main stage to discuss important social and political topics. In between speakers, live music performances entertain the festival crowd. As always, information booths line the streets, and children’s activities and youth performances are available for our younger attendees.

The free festival is from 10 a.m.–12 a.m. on Saturday, May 2nd and 2–9 p.m. on Sunday, May 3rd.

James Bell will be speaking on Saturday May 2nd at 4:30 pm. We hope you can attend!