Georgia Hemp Industries Group Takes Root

Atlanta GA: We are pleased to announce the formation of Georgia Hemp Industries Association, Inc. (GHIA), a trade organization focusing on the development of industrial hemp farming and related products and industries.

GHIA was established by James Bell of Georgia C.A.R.E. Project, a cannabis advocacy group, to focus specifically on industrial hemp and to separate the issues of “marijuana” from its cousin “hemp”.

GHIA was formed in response to the growing interest in hemp as a commercial crop. Nine States are currently growing hemp, another 19 have passed legislation and many others are considering legislation.

In Georgia, lawmakers filed House Bill 704 in 2015 which would allow for experimental hemp farming in compliance with federal rules. (AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 2014)

What is hemp? Hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of the cannabis plant that is 0.30% THC or less. Hemp will NOT get a person high.

Tom McCain from Soperton GA, a retired law enforcement officer and CEO of GHIA, said he wanted to establish the advocacy group to help educate lawmakers, farmers, investors, manufacturers and consumers about the multiple uses of the cannabis plant and to advocate for the advancement of related industries.

“Hemp has been used by mankind for thousands of years”, said McCain. “As federal laws are enacted to allow for the re-development of this agricultural crop, Georgia needs to take advantage of the law to develop what I believe could be a new billion-dollar crop for Georgia. With more than $800 million of hemp being imported into the US, we want the opportunity to cultivate this valuable crop right here in Georgia.”

McCain said hemp can be utilized for its fiber, seed, seed oil, protein and cellulose to produce building materials, bio-mass fuel, biodegradable plastics, textiles, food-stuffs and thousands of other products.