The 40 Days Campaign is a Georgia CARE Project fundraising effort to lobby for legal reforms in the Georgia legislature.
$100 = 1 day of lobbying
We are fundraising to make sure a Georgia CARE Project representative is present and lobbying for all 40 days the state legislature is in session in 2017.
The General Assembly session for 2017 begins on January 9th.
$500 = A whole week of lobbying at the State Capitol
Each day takes us a serious step closer to our shared goal.
Your dollars make a difference. We are ready to work, but we need your help.
It is critical that we maintain a physical presence and speak with lawmakers as often as possible to make sure legislators know that Georgians want true justice and legislative reform on cannabis.
We will be working and coordinating with other activists and organizations that will be present.
There are new legislators coming into the session in 2017 and it is important we meet with them and get to know them and make them our allies in this struggle to reform state laws that only harm Georgians and their families.
When we can be there every day, we find more opportunities for meetings and conversations that prove critical to moving the needle forward. If we’re not pressing the issue, we can’t expect things to change on their own.
Please support our efforts to do this and become a sponsor of one or more days of lobbying.